About Us

In today's society hectic few understand and give importance to spirituality. At Kingdomconnection we try to provide an environment where one can realize that what elevates the role of humans are not only material goods but also spiritual activity. Of course, our organization cares for not only being a place for spiritual dedication, but also being practically useful to the community.

We are an organization with a long tradition, but is not afraid of innovation and new technologies. As already mentioned, we strive to be practically useful organization, which by providing charitable donations and volunteer our labor to the communal good. We hold charitable collections, clubs for children and adults, trips, advising, etc.

We hope you will find the attractive and pleasant environment of our organization a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable. All visitors are greatly appreciated as long as the show the same proper respect that we afford everyone.

For more information, visit us in person or contact by phone or email provided on ourContact page.